Do Addiction Recovery Centers Require Drug Testing?

Addiction recovery centers, like NorthStar Transitions, help individuals who struggle with substance use and provide various levels of care to help them through the process. Some programs may include drug screening or testing depending on the medical conditions of individual clients. So, why is drug screening a vital aspect of the recovery process, and is there information to know before going into a treatment program about drug screening or drug testing?

What Is the Purpose of Drug Testing?

Drug testing or screening is often a part of the treatment model in addiction recovery because it helps identify the type of substances used and how much of the substance is in the body. This influences the detox process, as different types of drugs require different levels of care, length, and monitoring. Detox is often the first and most important step of the recovery journey, as it is the step that rids the body of the toxic substance.

After detox, drug screening may be used in certain cases. The addiction recovery journey is difficult and challenging for many individuals. Some individuals may fall back on their unhealthy habits and become prey to triggers and temptations of substances previously used. It can take just a tiny nudge to relapse, and their recovery process must take steps back before they can continue moving forward. 

This is one of the main reasons substance screening is vital to the treatment process. Substance screening is a quick and accurate way to determine if an individual has used substances while in the program, and it is a vital element to help prevent relapse.

Furthermore, in addiction recovery, each individual is held accountable for honesty and transparency. Treatment programs will often have both routine and surprise screenings so they can ensure the treatment facility remains a clean and safe environment. 

Simply having these tests in place can make all the difference in the success of one's recovery. If they know that a screening is coming, they are less likely to dip their toe back into substance use habits. While some individuals may attempt to deceive the test, often, the deception is found out rather quickly. All in all, drug screenings are used to keep clients accountable and ensure they are staying on the right path.

When Is Substance Screening Used?

Depending on the individual’s medical conditions or treatment plan, substance screening will be used to help monitor the individual’s sobriety. Upon admission to residential or outpatient treatment, the tests are administered to get information on the levels of substances used.

Often, many addiction recovery centers find the new client may still show signs of the substances depending on when they last used before entering treatment. Additionally, in residential care, the screenings are administered infrequently to ensure the substances continue to go down until the residential treatment process is complete and they move to the next stage of recovery, like a sober living home.

Substance screening is used at various times throughout treatment to establish a connection with the client and uphold their accountability in the recovery journey. It is vital to the recovery process because it approaches substance use with a direct and precise analysis of historical use and current temptations that may otherwise go undetected.

How Does NorthStar Transitions Handle Drug Testing?

NorthStar Transitions does presumptive drug screens, meaning the test detects if or what kind of drug is present in a client's system. This screening is completed with a urinalysis sample and can detect up to 12 different types of substances. The screen will show a positive or negative result and help the medical staff understand substances present with a third-party laboratory. NorthStar Transitions will also monitor the report to understand the nitrate levels and substance levels with pH within the urine to help detect any further necessary information.

NorthStar Transitions takes drug screening seriously and will determine if testing is necessary depending on the client’s current needs. We understand how complicated the recovery process is, and we want to make sure each client is in the right program to help achieve their recovery goals. Before any individual begins treatment, we discuss relapse with them and how drug screening can help mitigate it.

To ensure sobriety is maintained, individuals are made aware that periodic screenings may be performed in the best interest of each client. Since relapse is a possibility, a positive drug test does not mean that a client has failed, but rather means that their treatment plan may need to be adjusted to better help them. If there is clear evidence of relapse or substance use and the client is willing to be held accountable for that, they will discuss the next steps with our staff. We understand that it is challenging to resist triggers, and there are ways to avoid making the same mistake again.

At NorthStar Transitions, we understand that the process of substance use can be overwhelming or exhausting for individuals struggling with substance use and their families. If you are a family member of someone going through treatment or are looking to get information about treatment, understanding the recovery process is vital to helping someone you love. Understand that relapse is a possibility, but we do not view it as the end of the recovery. Relapse does not disqualify you from our help, as we see relapse as a chance to learn and adjust your care. We use drug screening not because we suspect our clients of misconduct, but because we care about their health and sobriety. Help is just around the corner, and with a professional staff that cares about each client, long-term sobriety is possible. For more information on how NorthStar Transitions handles substance screening or drug testing, reach out to us at (303) 558-6400.

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