Can Your Emotions Alter Your Perception?

Emotions have the power to influence various parts of your life. According to the article “The Impact of Emotion on Perception, Attention, Memory, and Decision-Making,” published by Swiss Medical Weekly, “Emotion determines how we perceive our world, organize our memory, and make important decisions.”

Understanding that your emotions alter your perception can help you shape the world around you.

Using Your Emotions to Change Your Perception

In order to make better sense of your life and the world around you, you must be able to understand your emotions. When you understand your emotions, you can become aware of your emotional moods and reflect on how they influence your behavior. For example, if you are in a positive state of mind, your experiences are more likely to be positive. The converse is true as well.

Active addiction has the ability to fill you with negative emotions. Using drugs or alcohol, doing everything to obtain substances, and feeling no control over when or how you use is an overwhelming experience. As a result, when you were actively using, you most likely had a negative view of the world. You may have thought everyone was out to get you or that the world was unjust.

Now that you are in recovery, you can use your emotions to change your perception. Without drugs and alcohol in your system, you have the ability to change your life and change how you feel. While negative emotions are a normal part of life, they no longer have to control you. In recovery, you can find hope to change your perception of life.

How Emotions Alter Perception

Your emotions can vary from moment to moment, and your perception can be modified along with them. What you see is often distorted by the emotion that is running you at that moment.

For example, a burst of negative emotional energy such as frustration or anger can change your reality in an instant. You may act out and say something mean to another person, who then decides that they no longer want the presence of your friendship. This can change your perception; you may now feel that nobody cares about you or understands you.

Being aware of your feelings, thoughts, and emotions can help you create your own reality. By doing this, you have control over your life and no longer have to let your emotions rule you. Emotions should be considered a useful guide in your recovery journey.

Managing Your Emotions in Recovery

Addiction changes your ability to manage your emotions. In treatment, you learn emotional regulation; without emotional regulation, you are more prone to relapse. After leaving treatment, you must continue to manage your emotions to sustain long-term recovery. Luckily, there are many ways you can manage your emotions in recovery.

Walk Away

If you are angry and about to say something you will later regret, sometimes the best course of action is to simply walk away. Disengaging from conflict will allow you to calm down and think clearly.

Distract Yourself

Distraction is a great tool for managing your emotions outside of treatment. For example, watching a funny video or listening to your favorite song can be a great way to keep yourself from overreacting to a minor problem.


Studies show that exercise can reduce stress and even offer relaxation for those in recovery. It can also serve as a distraction from intense emotions when things may feel out of hand.

Talk to Someone

Talking to someone you trust can help calm you down when your emotions feel intense. This person could be a sponsor, therapist, or friend in recovery. The most important thing is the person you choose will listen to you without judgment. Talking about what is bothering you can help you feel less alone.

Practice Meditation

Mindfulness meditation has a calming effect during times of stress. Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present in the moment, aware of what you are doing and what you are feeling without passing judgment on yourself.

There are various ways you can practice mindfulness meditation, from sitting down, closing your eyes, and being present with yourself to just taking a few deep breaths to help calm yourself. When you find yourself in a situation where your emotions seem out of control, mindfulness meditation is an excellent tool.

Write in a Journal

Journals provide a safe and private space to explore your emotions in greater detail. Over time, your journal can also serve as a record that will help you better understand what triggers specific emotional responses.

Our emotions affect various areas of our lives, including our perception. When we have positive emotions, we are more likely to view the world around us in a positive light. On the other hand, when we have negative emotions, our outlook on life is more likely to be pessimistic. In treatment, you learned how to manage your emotions without the use of drugs or alcohol. Now that you are out of treatment, you must continue to manage your emotions to sustain recovery. If you are struggling to manage your emotions in recovery, NorthStar Transitions is here to help. Our alumni group brings you together with peers in recovery who have walked a similar path and can relate to the issues you are facing. Learn more about our alumni group and how your peers in recovery can help you by calling NorthStar Transitions today at (303) 558-6400.

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