How Can You End the War With Yourself in Recovery?

Have you ever wondered if there's a way for you to stop the war between you and your substance use? This question arises often for those in addiction recovery. There are many different methods that you can take to find the right ways to stop warring with yourself. If you are looking for help with your substance use or you feel like you're losing the war between you and your substance use, read on to find out how to take back control of your life.

The War Against Your Substance Use

Before you can begin any healing, you must understand that you are not your addiction. You are using addiction as a way to cope with something in your life, whether it's emotional trauma, previous life experience, or just your day-to-day life. Separating yourself from your substance use is your war. Recovering from addiction doesn't mean you have to change everything about yourself. It is just the first step towards stopping the war between yourself and your unhealthy behaviors.

Addiction causes individuals to have negative thinking patterns that can get them in trouble or continuously cause them to make bad decisions. The more you continue to use the substances, the harder the battles between you and your substance use. 

You or someone you love may find yourself being drawn into substance use from experimentation or because it makes you feel good. However, the more you try to hold onto what may seem like euphoric moments of substance use, the more you are opening yourself to the negative consequences of drinking and/or using. However, there are changes you can make in your life to stop the war with yourself.

Making Small Changes to Stop the War

You don't have to change everything in your life, but addressing the unhealthy behaviors can help you onto a better path. Instead of holding on to your substance use, you can make a single small change that will change your life forever. That small change is to reach out and ask for help. 

Getting help is not a shameful thing to do; it is extremely brave. You deserve to have a healthy, happy life. You deserve to live a substance-free life to the fullest. Not only that, but you deserve a support group or a peer who understands you and the situation you're going through.

Avoid Risky Situations

If you question yourself or you feel that you're at war with yourself in either treatment or recovery, you should first work to avoid any high-risk situations. This may include avoiding people who you used to hang out with that may pressure you to use substances, places that cause you to reminisce on your past experiences with substances, and other experiences that may draw you into using the substance. You may not be able to avoid every single risky situation, but if you're aware of them, you can better prepare yourself if something turns bad.

For example, if you're caught off guard in a high-risk situation, you can use one of the coping mechanisms that you learned at an addiction recovery treatment facility to get through it. Overall, the more you prepare for and avoid the sticky and high-risk situations, the easier your day becomes to manage, and the war you have with yourself will be easier to manage.

Altering Your Mindset

Another way to stop the war with yourself is to change your negative mindset. You may not realize that you think negatively, but addiction has a way of encouraging that negative thinking and behavior. For example, addiction can cause you to have negative thoughts. You might start to believe that you're not likable or you can't handle particular situations. You also might start to believe that life isn't fun without the substance or even that recovery is too difficult for you to handle right now.

The negative mindset that these thoughts bring provides increased anxiety and depression, potentially sending you further into your addiction. If you feel that you're in the process of thinking negatively, it might be time to find a way to reverse that thinking into something positive. Positive thoughts can help you get out of this war with yourself. Substance use may seem like it's giving you an escape from those negative thoughts, but it's a short-term solution for a long-term problem that will only cause more pain. Learning how to monitor your progress with simple steps can change your life.

Ending the War

If you want to stop the war between substance use and yourself, there are ways to start the journey toward recovery. Asking for help and developing a circle of people that care about you and your situation, such as healthcare professionals, counselors, and recovery groups, is one of these ways.

At NorthStar Transitions, we want you to be completely honest with yourself. You deserve to have the best life. When you're honest about the war that you're having within yourself, you can start the steps to heal from addiction. We have many different methods and treatment options that can help you toward a healthier lifestyle and give you the motivation to find the purpose and meaning of your life. Our compassionate team understands addiction to its core. It may seem difficult at first, but the moment you take that step into treatment, you'll find non-judgmental and caring people to help you along the way. If you or someone you love feels that you need to stop the war with yourself, now is the right time to reach out and ask for help. We can help you stop the war within yourself. All you have to do is reach out and call us at (303) 558-6400.

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