How to Ask For Help When You Are Struggling

Those who have gone through treatment and are now navigating the world of recovery may believe that they shouldn’t stumble and don’t need extra help. However, because addiction is a chronic disease, you will likely need support from time to time. You may be hesitant to ask, though, as you don’t want to disappoint the loved ones that have been so proud of you for reaching this point. It is crucial to keep in mind that asking for help does not indicate weakness, but rather that you are strong enough to realize you are struggling and ask for support. If you are currently in need of extra assistance during this time, here are some ways to ask those around you. 

Be Upfront

First and foremost, it is essential not to beat around the bush. By avoiding the problem at hand, you run the risk of your loved ones not understanding what you’re asking. Being upfront and honest will help them know that you are genuinely struggling and need support during this time. It can be challenging to open up and admit you need help, but it will be better for you in the long run. 

Move Past the Embarrassment

You may feel embarrassed to ask for help when you have been sober for so long. It is important to remember that addiction is chronic, meaning it is possible to relapse at some point in your recovery. Your loved ones would rather know you need help and provide that support rather than find out you were struggling and no one knew. It is much easier to treat someone when you intervene early rather than letting addiction retake hold. Move past the embarrassment and realize your loved ones want to help you.

Remind Yourself That People Do Want to Help

When you are struggling, it is easy to feel like a burden. You may not want to reach out to someone else because you believe you are bothering them. However, this is seldom the case. Those who care about you want to see you do well and succeed in your recovery. Most will be ready and willing to offer support; all you have to do is ask.

Reach Out to a Fellow Sober Buddy

If you don’t want to ask for support from your loved ones yet, consider reaching out to someone that has gone through the same situation. This way, you can receive advice that you know has helped someone else overcome obstacles in their recovery. When you struggle, it can be easy to isolate yourself and think that you are the only person in the world facing the problems at hand. By asking for advice from someone else in the same situation, you can make connections and know that you will be okay.

Message Someone Online

Admitting you are struggling is hard enough without seeing the other person’s face. If you are anxious about discussing your struggles in person, consider messaging a sober buddy or trusted friend online. You can also message an online support group, chat room, treatment facility, or helpline; this can eliminate the anxiety of asking for help and make you more comfortable opening up. It may even prompt you to get help sooner because you avoid the potential awkwardness or judgment that comes with face-to-face conversations. Reach out virtually, and you may be more successful.

Talk to Someone You Trust Significantly

You most likely have one person in your life that you can talk to about anything. You know this person won’t judge you and will be there for you when you are struggling. If you find yourself in a time of hardship in your recovery, consider reaching out to this person either virtually or in person. This way, you can get things off your chest without fear of judgment and receive real advice from someone with your best interest in mind.

Talk to a Medical Professional

Most treatment centers offer aftercare and contact information once clients leave the facility. If you find yourself in a rough patch, consider reaching out to your treatment facility to talk to one of the staff members there. Because they are trained to help those struggling with addiction and prevent relapse, they can provide you with sound methods to help you maintain your recovery. You also know that this person won’t judge you because of the field they work in; this can be a great way to get the help and resources you need without feeling embarrassed or ashamed of your struggle.

When you have been in recovery for an extended period, you may feel embarrassed to ask for help when you hit a rough patch. This is a normal feeling, but it shouldn’t stop you from getting the help you need. You should remember that it is easier to treat addiction when intervention happens early rather than waiting for things to get worse. If your current coping methods are no longer serving you, reach out and find new ways to help you maintain your sobriety. Should you ever feel stuck, remember facilities like Northstar Transitions. We are experts in relapse prevention and provide you with individualized treatment that will help you maintain sobriety for the long haul. Because of our approach to recovery, we understand that struggling is realistic. Our goal is to help you navigate real-life recovery and help pick you back up when you fall. Learn more today by calling (303) 558-6400.

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