Court-Mandated Recovery

Because substance abuse often leads to reckless and dangerous behavior, many of those with substance abuse disorders face legal problems. If an individual enters treatment due to a court order, they may not be receptive, and prove difficult to treat. The main goal of court-ordered treatment is to prevent a drug user from facing other legal troubles. As a provider, the main goal of a treatment facility like Northstar Transitions is to help you gain sobriety and prevent relapses. These two can work in tandem, or they can face some difficulties. The main issue here is motivation.Research has estimated that nearly 80% of all offenses that lead to jail time in the US stem from alcohol or drug use. Due to the size of the prison population, most non-violent offenders are offered mandated treatments for drug convictions rather than jail time. The court requires that a letter be drafted to chronicle the patient’s treatment. Due to the oversight involved in court-mandated treatment, most people are successful in their completion, those who don’t comply with the mandate face jail time. This can be motivation enough.If you aren’t motivated or receptive when you enter treatment, you might change your mind throughout different stages of treatment. Many people believe in the myth that people need to hit “rock bottom” to seek help. While this may be true for some, it is not always the case. Actually taking part in the recovery process can make a difference even if people are reluctant at first.

Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT)

Utilizing family involvement can be an impact on court-mandated treatments. CRAFT teaches family and friends successful strategies for helping their loved ones change their behavior and feel better about themselves. CRAFT works to affect a person’s behavior by changing how their family interacts with them, and vice versa. This treatment model is designed to help by:

  • Assisting families in motivating their loved ones to seek treatment
  • Reducing alcohol and drug use, whether or not treatment has been pursued
  • Improving the lives of family and friends.

CRAFT helps families foster a non-judgmental attitude towards their loved ones struggling with addiction. It teaches that detachment and confrontation are unhealthy to both the family and the person with a substance use disorder. CRAFT has been proven to be more effective than interventions or leveraging.Another aspect of CRAFT is community reinforcement. The therapeutic practices of CRAFT are adapted from the community reinforcement approach (CRA). CRA is a psychosocial intervention for individuals with alcohol and other drug use disorders. It has been adapted for several populations, including adolescents and family members of individuals who are resistant or reluctant to enter treatment. The focus is to help people find healthier ways to deal with their social or emotional needs without using drugs or alcohol.In CRAFT, patients are asked to invite a person who may be affected by their drug use, usually a parent or spouse. This is helpful in understanding triggers a person may have that influence their drug use. During treatment, patients and families learn useful skills to meet their recovery goals, including communication, problem-solving, and self-care. These skills remain helpful in the long-term for families struggling with addiction.This can be especially helpful for those in court-mandated treatment because the individual is forced to deal with these issues. In court-mandated treatment, the patient may not admit that their behaviors affect their relatives or loved ones, and the realization that there is support there can make the difference.Despite what motivation level people experience in their initial sessions, they may gain motivation during treatment. Having family support could increase their motivation. No one wants to feel that they are alone in this process.

Peer Support

There may be a lot of resistance to enter treatment or complete treatment. You have to understand why someone would resist recovery. There are many influences on an individual’s choice for addiction treatment. Sometimes, they don't think they actually need help, it’s just something they have to complete to avoid punishment. They see their drug use as something recreational that they can control and quit at any time. Being educated about the effects of prolonged drug use can be a great jumping-off point.A person may also say they are too embarrassed to seek treatment. Rumors at work or among peer groups can lead to anxiety about their treatment. It is crucial that they understand that living healthy is more important than what their friends think. I know it's easier said than done and that is where peer recovery support services (PRSS) comes into the picture.PRSS shows those in recovery that there are people who understand their position. It is vital to a person’s motivation when they know they are supported and respected. If a person feels there is no positive outcome from their court-ordered treatment, they will not be motivated to complete it.

Northstar Transitions knows a caring and loving environment during recovery can make all the difference. All of our programs can easily be tailored to an individual’s needs so court-ordered treatment can be the lasting, healing treatment you deserve. Northstar Treatment is here to help, call us now at 1-303-558-6400.

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